Friday, June 29, 2012

Farmer's "Gotta Feed Everybody" by The Peterson Brothers rocks!

I'll admit my daughter likes the original song, which is the ONLY reason my old self is even familiar with it.
I love this well done parody film, "I''m Farming and I Grow It"  from the youtube channel of ThePetersonFarmBros.

Healthy farm boys showing what it takes to feed us, getting up with sunrise - they workout......side!  Something many kids, my own included, should realize.  Without the people who do this, there would be no grain with which to make the cheez-its to eat for breakfast when you get up at noon, so it's both a fun and educational video.

I love the part where he's dancing in the field early in the morning and a group of cows are just standing there staring at him....what's your favorite part?

There are, needless to say, some interesting comments at the youtube channel about this video, your comments are?

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