Wednesday, July 20, 2011

National Cow Appreciation Day?? How did I miss this?

 Well as you might guess, in my world EVERYDAY is cow appreciation day, however for the rest of the country, apparently it's July 15th ( or 9th or 14th, I found conflicting evidence on the internet, but July was constant!)

A blogger from L.A. has posted a collection of people hugging cows in honor of the celebration, some of them are guaranteed to make you smile!  This is my personal favorite of the bunch,

check the rest out here.

The fast food restaurant Chic-fil-a  jumps on the bandwagon, (or did they actually start it in the first place?) by rewarding people who dress up like a cow on July 9 with a free chicken sandwich meal.  I don't know about you, much as I admire cows I would rather throw down the $5.

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