I would love for everyone to read this article, "High Time For Hemp" by Jim Hightower, and leave a comment!
Just a few highlights:
" Industrial hemp won't make anyone high, but it certainly can make us happy, because it would deliver a new economic and environmental high for America."
Anyone else agree we could use this new economic and environmental high?
"While our nation is the world's biggest consumer of hemp products (from rope to shampoo, building materials to food), the mad masters of our insane "drug war" have lumped hemp and marijuana together as "Schedule 1 controlled substances" — making our Land of the Free the world's only industrialized country that bans farmers from growing this benign, profitable, job-creating and environmentally beneficial plant."
Meanwhile we send more money OUT of the country to the other countries that are allowed to farm this crop...
"Thus, the U.S.A. is consuming millions of dollars' worth of products made from hemp, that hemp comes from producers in other countries, because our farmers aren't allowed to grow it in the U.S.A. and reap the economic benefits here at home."'
Please read the entire article here. And tell me if I am missing something, but this just sounds so logical.
If you agree, you can sign the petition here:
Either way, please do leave a comment, I would love to know what you think, please be polite!
(Black Angus Portrait 36"x36" by Denise Rich visit my cow paintings here > www.deniserichart.com)